Monday, October 8, 2007

Play Week

(Week 5)

#10 Image generators

The back-to-school image is my first attempt at using an image generator, and yes, this is my writing on the chalkboard. I found this on the Generator Blog. Check here to see the Chalkboard Message Generator.

I also had a play with images on LetterJames and FD Toys, but as I didn't want to use one of my own photos, I found the Generator Blog a bit quicker and easier to use for this purpose.

Then I did a google search for image generators and found Sign Generator Maker and created my messy desk (I assure you, it's not really my desk!) If you'd like to create your own messy desk, click here.

#11 Lovin' that Library Thing

I think I may have seen different versions of something like Library Thing before. I've managed to catalogue a few of my own books onto Library Thing, although many of my books are currently boxed up.

Click here to check out my Library Link catalogue thus far.

It's taken me a few attempts to successfully add links to this blog, as I kept missing one step - but I eventually consulted the help page, which was indeed, helpful, and I finally got it right!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

RSS and News feeds

(Week 4)

#8 Life is really simple now.... I think....

It was easy enough to register my own bloglines account. I decided to subscirbe to a couple of the most popular news feeds: CNN and BBC. Then I went to a couple of Australian news sites, like and and located their RSS or XML links. At first, although following one of the tutorials, I missed a step and tried to cut and past the link too early. I eventually thought to click on the link first, before copying and pasting the URL. I now have 10 news or library related feeds added to my bloglines account. Some of them, like the feeds for will be handy, as I tend to check this website for breaking news at least once a day anyhow. I did look for a feed for an Australian weather site, but couldn't actually find one. (I checked the website for an RSS or XML link, but I don't think they have one).

#9 Finding feeds

I had a quick search for more feeds, using Feedster, Google blog and Technorati. I only did a couple of searches, but wasn't particularly interested in the results (mostly because I'd already added most of the news feeds of interest to me and I was having trouble of thinking of other topics of interest). I probably preferred searching as it seemed to have Australian content and is more 'newsy'.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fabulous Flickr

(Week Three)

#5 Discovering Flickr

Well, I've had a bit of a look around on Flickr, but I decided to take my camera into work and snap a couple of shots of my own and upload them to my blog. Above left is my first snap: My favourite books and authors. Above right is my second attempt: My computer mates. They sit on top of my work computer and supervise.

I had a bit of trouble when I uploaded my first photo - it was too big for the screen and I couldn't work out how to make the image smaller, so I ended up deleting it and starting again. I'm sure there's an easier way! I had similar trouble with my seond photo - expecting it to be displayed at the bottom of this post, not at the top. So I seem to be having some trouble with the layout of text and photos in the one post. I'll just have to keep on playing with it!

I can see that Flickr could be great for those who have friends and family far afield and want to share their wedding photos, or holiday snaps. I need to play around a bit more and become more familiar with it and its possible uses.

#6 Flickr fun

I also checked out some Librarian Trading Cards, had a go at creating one of my own and uploaded it to my Flickr photostream. I still have no idea what you'd use it for, though!

#7 Technology and me

When I first started working in a library, we we still using the pocket & card system. Gradually, we gained a computer or two, became automated, learned how to surf the net, and email replaced the fax. Our current technological challenge is improving our library's very basic website.

On the home front, I'm also connected to the net, download photos from my digital camera, do my banking and some of my shopping online, as well as some further study. I'm still working out how to download photos and videos from my new mobile phone to my laptop, but I'm sure I'll get there sometime soon....