Saturday, October 6, 2007

RSS and News feeds

(Week 4)

#8 Life is really simple now.... I think....

It was easy enough to register my own bloglines account. I decided to subscirbe to a couple of the most popular news feeds: CNN and BBC. Then I went to a couple of Australian news sites, like and and located their RSS or XML links. At first, although following one of the tutorials, I missed a step and tried to cut and past the link too early. I eventually thought to click on the link first, before copying and pasting the URL. I now have 10 news or library related feeds added to my bloglines account. Some of them, like the feeds for will be handy, as I tend to check this website for breaking news at least once a day anyhow. I did look for a feed for an Australian weather site, but couldn't actually find one. (I checked the website for an RSS or XML link, but I don't think they have one).

#9 Finding feeds

I had a quick search for more feeds, using Feedster, Google blog and Technorati. I only did a couple of searches, but wasn't particularly interested in the results (mostly because I'd already added most of the news feeds of interest to me and I was having trouble of thinking of other topics of interest). I probably preferred searching as it seemed to have Australian content and is more 'newsy'.

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